
I help developers, governments and companies develop environments where people and nature can thrive. I do that especially in regions where land meets water, or where people work and live with water. My focus lies not on technology, infrastructure or the built environment, but on people and how they co-create value.

I work in the 4 stages of the ‘double diamond’ which means:

I help you explore: qualitative people research, benchmarks and market mappings that lead to insights into stakeholders and their aspirations and opportunities for innovation.
Qualitative research, context mapping, design research, benchmarking, market scans, stakeholder mapping, ecosystem mapping.
A case in point: researching community needs and opportunities for community driven placemaking initiatives in a coastal development in Portugal.

I help you focus: defining your innovation strategy, innovation portfolio, service portfolio and initiative roadmap, leading to a sensible allocation of resources and well aligned stakeholders.
Innovation strategy, portfolio strategy, scenario planning, roadmapping, journey mapping, segmentation, opportunity scans, capability analysis.
A case in point: defining a brand based, insight led service portfolio and roadmap for a mixed use development in Patthaya, Thailand.

I help you design: imagine and create better solutions for more inclusive, sustainable and welcoming futures. Solutions that are co-created and valued by your key stakeholders.
Value proposition design, service design, ecosystem design, co-creation, community led innovation, collaborative innovation.
A case in point: co-creating community based solutions for a better crowd experience in Amsterdam, in collaboration with the municipality, the police, crowd management data specialists and residents.

I help you realize: prototype and build solutions that create buy in from stakeholders and translate visions into real value. Execute strategies while keeping their soul alive and while meeting their targets.
Consortium building, prototyping, MVPing, vendor selection, design management, touchpoint orchestration, pilot management.
A case in point: building an MVP value proposition for climate action through whale conservation. Helping an NGO move from initial concept to live proposition in 1 year.

My services include consulting, designing, teaching, coaching and venturing. Next to that I’m open to board positions and pro bono work for causes that are close to my heart. Currently I am doing pro bono work for Clean Sailors, Whale Guardians and Whale and Dolphin Conservation.

My services focus on 4 domains that I am passionate about and that deserve my commitment

  • Urbanism: better living conditions in cities
  • Ocean conservation: better relationships between humans and the oceans that bring us life
  • Mobility: better ways to get around for everyone to pursue their dreams
  • Sustainability: passing a healthy planet on to my children’s grand children

See cases for examples where these 4 domains meet and overlap.